Protect your unique work (a book, logo, music, etc) through copyright registration with India's leading compliance service provider - JR Compliance. To know more about documents required for copyright registration in India and its process, contact us immediately.
Copyright is the legal authority of the owner of intellectual property. In other words, copyright provides exclusive rights to replicate the work of the original creator of products and other items, typically restricted to one person.
Copyright is intellectual property that protects the original work of authorship comprising musical, literary, dramatic, and artistic works such as novels, poems, songs, computer software, movies, and architecture.
Moreover, it does not protect the ideas, facts, methods of operation, or system. However, it might defend how these are expressed.
As per the decision of the court dated 20th May 2021, it is not mandatory to obtain the copyright registration as according to the Copyright Act, 1957 Section 45, which deals with copyright registration, uses the word “may.” So that indicates that copyright registration is not mandatory.
Mention the applicant’s details, such as name, address, and nationality.
Accordingly, our team guarantees to assist you in procuring the documents required for copyright registration in India to avoid every possible inaccuracy. Thus, we will ensure a smooth procedure.
To make the process of copyright registration unchallenging, our consultant team will educate you concerning registration process without any hassle and challenge. Above all, we guarantee to avoid any inaccuracy.
As it seems, copyright is not mandatory yet essential to protect your work from being replicated. Therefore, acquiring a copyright certificate to protect work will provide you legal proof of ownership, easy to transfer copyright, and provide public notice of work.
However, on the other hand, obtaining the same could not be as easy as it seems because it requires proper knowledge regarding documents required for copyright registration in India and filling in the relevant details in the application. If not, it could result in the rejection of an application.
Consequently, JR Compliance, a Delhi based compliance service provider possess experience of 8+ years, has copyright registration consultants who guarantee to provide you prompt assistance from the first to last step of registration.
Hence, for expert and professional services, contact us immediately.
As per Copyright law, a name, slogan, title, or logo can not be copyrighted. However, these can be protected under trademark law.
The Copyright Act, 1957 governs copyright laws which were enforced in January 1958. However, since 1958, it has been modified five times (1983, 1984, 1992, 1999, and 2012). Thus, the Copyright Act, 2012 is the most considerable act.
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The information provided on this website is with the sole intention to give information, not a professional opinion. Moreover, our website might include copyrighted material that may or may not have been specifically authorized by the owner, however, used for the purpose of providing information. That constitutes a “fair means” under Section 52 of the Copyright Act, 1957.
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